About the authors

Dear Readers, welcome to the complete resource for the current and most recent volume of our periodical. Each volume of “Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education” contains two basic parts: 1) Dissertations, Papers, Studies and Research Reports, which comprises the primary content of our periodical; 2) Reviews and Resources, comprised of book reviews and other materials (e.g. sources, bibliography).

The authors included in the latest volume include:

[The file contains a list of the authors with their academic affiliation]


The cover of the latest volume of the “Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education” and the interactive contents is shown below. By clicking the title of the article you will be automatically directed to the proper page in the periodical. The same rule refers to the pagination links at the top of each page. When clicking the title of the pagination link you will be immediately directed to the beginning of a given article. “Religious and Sacred Poetry” is a periodical with free access to its contents, which results from the rule Open Access (unlimited access to complete versions of the published papers). It makes it easier for authors to share their scholarly results with academic centers all over the world. Our authors appreciate this principle and willingly publish with us. We invite you to cooperate with us. Materials which satisfy the scholarly criteria but received after the closing of the current volume are published in the next volume. Authors and scholars may send their papers to be published at any time. Papers sent to the editor undergo a process of academic review and when published they are protected by authorship law.



“Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education”

[The file with the contents of the volume 1/2013]


Marek Mariusz Tytko

(Translated by Sr Adelajda Sielepin CHR, Mark Simon Bonnet and Muir Alan Evenden)