Contact with the Editorial Board

“Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education”

Religious and Sacred Poetry :

An International Quarterly

of Religion, Culture and Education

The Editorial Office:

  1. Włoska 17/27, 30-638 Kraków, Poland

phone: (+48) 511 350 665,

e-mail: marek.mariusz.tytko[at]



Address of the website

E-mail contact with the Editorial Board and submission of texts:

e-mail: marek.mariusz.tytko[at]



[at] = @

Contact format:


Name and surname [frame]

E-mail address [frame]

Contents of the message [frame]

Note: Before you send us any suggestions for texts to be published in our periodical, please review the technical and editorial instructions for authors of the “Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education”, which can be found on our website ( at the link Technical and editorial information for the authors. It will help you to formulate your texts to the standards recommended by the Editors of the periodical.


Marek Mariusz Tytko

(Translated by Sr Adelajda Sielepin CHR, Mark Simon Bonnet and Muir Alan Evenden)