The Editorial Board of the “Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education” kindly requests of its authors their acquaintance with the principles of the editorial and qualification process before sending a text to the editorial office. Delivering a text to the editorial office is not enough for initiating a qualifying editorial review on the submitted text. The author is requested to send (by mail) a printed declaration with a personal signature. Please ensure that submitted texts conform to the specifications given below:
I.) The only accepted format of a text is MS Word: *.doc, *.rtf
Unacceptable are texts in other formats: extended Word (.docx) or from other word processing applications.
II.) In the text, you should include a separate electronic file declaration called ‘Author’s declaration’ and an identical printed version with personal signature. This declaration should contain the following information about the author:
- a) full name (names, for authors from Belorussia, Ukraine, Russia and the countries from the former Soviet Union – also a full ‘otczestvo’, i.e. a name after the father),
- b) full surname (if the surname is composed of several elements, it should be given in a full form),
- c) academic title, academic grade, the post and place of work (full name of a university, faculty, institute, chair, department, section, etc.),
- d) full address for correspondence (street, number of house, number of flat, postal code, city, state / wojevodztvo / region, country); phone, e-mail.
SLOV Vyhlasenie autora textu – PDF
SLOV Vyhlasenie autora textu – DOC
ROS Заявление Автора текста – PDF
ROS Заявление Автора текста – DOC
POL Oswiadczenie autora tekstu – PDF
POL Oswiadczenie autora tekstu – DOC
ENG Declaration for the Author of the text – PDF
ENG Declaration for the Author of the text – DOC
CZECH Prohlášení autora textu – PDF
CZECH Prohlášení autora textu – DOC
BELORUS Заява аўтара тэксту – PDF
BELORUS Заява аўтара тэксту – DOC
III.) ‘Author’s declaration’ concerning the originality of their text and statement that they are not currently participating in an editorial process with other editors (according to the form accessed by the link on our internet portal called: ‘Information for the authors – principles of publication’); you should print it out, enter your information on the printed form and send it by letter to the address of the editorial office in an envelope. The Editorial Board of the periodical will NOT start the editorial procedure (the qualification of a text for publication) until they receive a paper copy of the ‘Author’s declaration’, filled out by the author and sent by traditional post or mail.
IV.) The editorial board does not return texts that have not been ordered. It does not respond to anonymous texts (each text must be signed with a full name and surname of the author). The Editorial Board reserves the right to arrange and shorten texts according to the given editorial principles. The editorial process does not impose upon the academic value of a text, but aims at improving its quality. Texts accepted by the reviewers and the Editorial Board will be published and after this further changes are not allowed.
V.) The texts sent to “Religious and Sacred Poetry” cannot have been previously published (in Polish, English or other language). Moreover, they cannot be sent to editors of other periodicals.
VI.) The responsibility that results from the author’s rights and the editorial rights (reprint of illustrations, diagrams, quoting) falls upon the author of the text.
VII.) Before you begin writing a text (for an article), you should get acquainted with the requirements of the Editor of the periodical. You should write your text (article, etc.) keeping in mind a strict harmony between your topic (subject matter) and the profile (character) of the scholarly periodical, and it should be dedicated to certain, specialized cultural matters. When writing a text, you should give a competent, methodological, logical, formal and linguistic polish to it, so that it could be accepted by the editors and would satisfy the demands of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The author should divide the text into subject parts (subchapters), assigning subtitles (midtitles) and numbers to them.
VIII.) The bibliographical description of quoted items placed in footnotes and in the bibliography should be complete, and all quotations precisely checked up by the author in the resources (without errors). The recommended form of bibliographical notation is placed below.
IX.) Each author is obliged as a precaution to keep and preserve both a printed and electronic copy of one’s paper, identical with the original as provided to the editor, at least up to the time of the printing of the article in the periodical.
X.) The editorial board does not accept hard copies of papers or manuscripts (such as printed copies, photocopies or facsimiles), nor any electronic copies on discs, CD’s, or removable drives (such as USB thumb drives). The only accepted form is an electronic version in Microsoft Word format sent as an attachment to an e-mail.
XI.) If the author uses in their article any non standard fonts (e.g. quotations in Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic or phonetic characters, etc.), when these fonts are not included in the standard installation of the Microsoft Word application, then the editor may ask for these nonstandard fonts to be sent in a separate file if there are difficulties when viewing the article in Word.
XII.) The author is obliged to write their dissertation, article, note or research report in such a way that the external reviewer, who will read and evaluate the paper anonymously via double-blind review process, will not be able to recognize the name and surname of the author by the information contained in it — e.g., in the main text or in the footnotes).
XIII.) If the author does not return his corrections on time or does not comply with corrections as provided by the editor, then the author agrees to publish the paper in the version suggested by the editor. The author will pay for any changes submitted by the author after the editorial process has begun.
XIV.) Authors of published works (dissertations or papers) within this journal will receive gratis one volume of the periodical in print. Each author will confirm by e-mail the reception of the volume received from the editorial board.
XV.) Editorial information for authors preparing papers (Instruction for authors, editorial rules and standards according to the ministerial evaluation requirements, or “Charter of evaluation”, and those of the editor)
1) Papers must be in Microsoft Word format (with the extension: .doc, .rtf)
2) Spacing between lines – 1.5 lines; for the footnotes – 1 line.
3) Text type – Times New Roman, 12 point for the main text, 10 point for the footnotes and bibliography (bibliography, list of literature).
4) Fully justified text (alignment of the text with the right and left margins), both the main text and the footnotes.
5) Margins (top, bottom, left, right) – 3 cm; Paragraph indent – 1 cm.
Content layout of the text (composition of the article or message, etc.)
6) On the first page in the upper left corner on the first line – put the full name(s) and surname of the author without any titles or scholarly degrees (text must have a name and a surname)
7) Below, place the full name of the university (the full affiliation of the author in English and in a given local language, e.g. Polish, Belorussian, Czech, Slovakian, Ukrainian; the place of residence (in English and the local language), country of the author (in English and the local language), e-mail address, a note about the author (academic degree and title, education, current affiliation: university/faculty/institute/chair/study, post, function in the university, discipline, branch of science (e.g. biblical theology, theory of literature, pedagogy of culture) and name of position (e.g.: slavist, theologian, literary scholar) – all in English, up to 900 characters). This note in English will serve as a permanent biography of the author in our periodical, including subsequent publications (if significant changes are required then the author is expected to prepare a new biographical note).
8) Below – key words (key words must always be in English); for texts in languages other than English (e.g.: Polish, Czech, Slovakian, Russian) – key words should be in the given native tongues; texts written in English require key words only in English.
9) Below – abstract in English (English abstract should be added to any dissertation, paper, or communication, regardless of the language of the article), while for texts written in Polish, Czech, Slovakian, or Russian the abstract (summary) in Polish is also necessary, which is required by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
10) Below – the title (concise and brief titles are recommended, possibly up to no more then ten words), the English version of the title is obligatory (for the texts in Polish, Czech, Slovakian or Russian, the title should be given in their particular language), papers written in Czech, Slovakian and Russian should have also a Polish title.
11) Below the contents of the article in English, Polish, Czech, Slovakian or Russian.
12) Title and headings (also concise and short) – should be in bold letters, headings (chapter titles) should be numbered (1, 2, 3, 4…)
13) You are permitted to distinguish crucial words or sentences in a text with bold letters (minimal use of bold text is advised, so try to avoid overuse)
14) For quotations apply quotation marks (the low-opening and upper-closing), quoted text should not be inclined but normal (no italics).
15) Text should have continuous pagination (page numbering: 1, 2, 3….) and shall always be at the bottom of a page on the outward side:
16) Text formatting should be limited, (such as paragraph indents created with a tab); do not use multiple spaces as a way to make more space, after each paragraph use the ‘Enter’ key to create space, do not create additional spaces between paragraphs (before and after the paragraph), use italics (always for the titles of publications), bold (only in specific cases, generally they are not applied anywhere other than for titles, subtitles, headings); NEVER use ‘underlines’.
17) Recommended length of papers:
- a) Scholarly dissertations (1-6 sheets of print – from 39600 to 237600 characters) are accepted only in exceptional cases, only after an individual personal request by the editorial board. For the specifically requested dissertations the average standard size is 8000 characters for one paper. Dissertations that have not been solicited will not be accepted. The author may be asked to shorten their text to the limits of a scholarly paper (below 39600 characters),
- b) Scholarly articles (from 0.5-1 sheets of print, about 20000 to 39600 characters) are accepted in the standard format. Bear in mind that text below 20000 characters will not be considered as a scholarly article according to the formal requirements of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. It is why we recommend the minimum size to be from 21000 to 25000 characters so that it will meet the evaluation requirement.
- c) Scholarly research communications (approximately 0.25-0.5 sheets of print, about 9900 to 20000 characters); as a standard practice please send communications of about 20000 to 21000 characters; remember that scholarly papers below 20000 are NOT evaluated so we accept their publication only in exceptional cases on the basis of the editor in chief’s decision, or when the authors are asked to complete their papers and supplement them over the established minimum.
- d) Scholarly research reports (below 0.25 sheets of print, i.e. less than 9900 characters but no fewer than 3600 characters) are in fact extended abstracts and we accept them mainly in English as summaries for the English versions of the periodical; their aim is to inform the international English speaking scholars about the research done by the author.
- e) Reviews of scholarly books (monographs or collections) or other works, such as the critical editions of the sources (text up to 0.25 sheets of print, no more than 9900 characters, no less than 3600 characters),
- f) Separate (thematic) bibliographical syllabi or other materials (individually agreed upon with the editors, usually up to 20000 characters),
Note: The total number of characters in a given paper (the total text size) includes all characters (including spaces, punctuation characters, etc.) within the main text, footnotes, bibliography, summary, key words, tables, diagrams, etc.
Dissertation, article, communication, research report:
18) Dissertations, articles, communications or research reports should have a bibliography included at the end, arranged in ascending alphabetical order in Latin (for English texts), and as appropriate (with all diacritical marks) in the alphabetical order of the particular language used in the paper: Polish, Czech, Slovakian (from A to Z/Ż/Ž), and for Russian texts (written in Cyrillic) in the Russian alphabetical order (from A to Я [ia]); some examples of bibliographical notes are given below,
19) Dissertations, articles, communications or research reports (written in Polish, Czech, Slovakian or Russian) should include an abstract (summary) in English (from 1800 to 2700 characters, usually about 250-350 words), and also an identical abstract in Polish (1800-2700 characters, usually about 250-350 words). The abstract should present: A) the goal of the paper; B) the applied method of research; C) the category of the paper (a research article, a case study, methodological article, a conceptual article, a review of the scholarly literature); D) the main theoretical conclusions (the main results of research and analysis); E) the application of these conclusions (in theory and in practice; practical, educational, social, and cultural implications); F) the limitations of the results (conclusions and analyses); G) the originality of the paper — i.e., an abstract should clearly, explicitly, truthfully and briefly present the so-called ‘added value’ of the paper. It should show what is new and original. It should have important ideas or conclusions presented in it. It should show how essential is its impact into a given branch of science in the sense of introducing something that has not been yet considered in the presented topic. Note: dissertations, articles, communications and research reports written in English do not require a separate abstract in Polish; Polish and English summaries should have identical contents, with a precise translation;
20) Dissertations, articles, communications or research reports should have key words in English (5-8 words in English) and key words in Polish (5-8 words); texts in English do not require key words in Polish,
21) Research reports (from 3600 to 9900 characters) are a kind of extended abstract, so for this category English texts are preferable as they provide brief information about research on a specific problem and the results achieved from the research.
A book review and the author’s response to the review
22) Both the text of a review of a scholarly book or other work (e.g. a critical review of the source edition) and the author’s response to the review should account for about 0.25 pages of print — i.e., approximately 9900 characters and no less than 3600 characters. Texts up to about 1400-1500 words maximum are preferable if they do not exceed 9900 characters. In exceptional cases, we accept a limit of about 3000 words (about 20000 characters). Only in these unique cases will we accept a review (or a reply to a review) of a larger size than the standard size of 9900 characters. In the case of an author’s reply to someone’s review, we are dealing with a response to a communication regarding the author’s own research, in which he explains particular points mentioned in the review of his own work. It should correct possible errors of the reviewer.
23) The title of a review of any publication (e.g. a scholarly book) should be formatted in the following manner: full name(s), full surname (respectively: full father’s name and surname, like for the Russians) of the author of the review, colon, name(s) and surname of the reviewed book’s author, comma, the title of the publication, comma, the editorial house, comma, the year and place of publication, comma, the total number of pages of the entire publication, period.
Examples of a title of a review:
Agnieszka Luiza Kubicka (rev.): Bogusław Żurakowski, Literatura – wartość – dziecko, [Uniwersytet Jagielloński], Kraków 1992, pp. 155.
Agnieszka Luiza Kubicka (rev.): Kultura artystyczna w przestrzeni wychowania, Bogusław Żurakowski (ed.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2011, pps. 214.
24) The bibliography (list of literature) should always be placed at the end of the text. The author should apply the following format to bibliographical descriptions, according to the examples and instructions below:
- a) the titles and subtitles of books, articles, etc., are always in italics,
- b) the titles of periodicals are always in quotation marks,
- c) always write the first letter of a name(s) and the initial letter of father’s name ‘otchestvo’ (e.g. for authors from Belorussia, Russia and Ukraine) and the full surname of the author (or editor) of the book or article,
- d) for books always put the name of the editorial house,
- e) for books always put the place and a year of publication,
- f) for books, chapters and articles always put pages,
- g) for articles in periodicals always include: the volume of a periodical, the year of issue (note: the volume is not the ‘year’ of issue, these are two different notions), a number (a copy) of a periodical, pages (‘from – to’),
- h) names of popes, saints, etc. are not abbreviated, e.g.: John Paul II, Thomas Aquinas,
- i) for initials of given names we use only the first letter of a name and avoid initials of this kind: ‘Cz., ‘Sz.’, ‘Fr.’, and write: C., S., F.,
- A) The description of the book:
The surname of the author, the initials of the first or given name, comma, the title and subtitle, comma, publishing house, place and a year of issue, the number of pages, period
Żurakowski B., Paradoks poezji, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 1981, pp. 208.
- B) The description of an edited collection:
The title and subtitle, comma, the initials of the first or given name or ‘otchestvo’ and the surname of the editor, (ed.), comma, editorial house, place and a year of publication, the number of pages, period
Pedagogika kultury – Wychowanie do wyboru wartości, Bogusław Ż. (ed.), Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, Kraków 2003, pp. 326.
- C) The description of an article or chapter in an edited collection:
Surname and initials of the first or given name (names or ‘otchestvo’) of the author, comma, title and subtitle, [in:], title, comma, initials of the first or given name (initial of names or ‘otchestvo’) of the editor, (ed.), comma, place and a year of publication, pages (‘from – to’), period,
Żurakowski B., Wartości religijne w poezji dla dzieci, [w:] Literatura bez hranic : příspěvky z konference o literatuře pro děti a mladež (Praha, 26.-27. března 1992), A. Baluchová (ed.) a H. Šmahělová
(ed.), Euroslavica, Praha 1995, p. 83-92.
Jan Paweł II, List do artystów, [w:] Jan Paweł II do artystów. Artyści do Jana Pawła II, B. Drożdż-Żytyńska (ed.) et al, Gaudium Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Lubelskiej, Lublin 2006, p. 28-57.
- D) The description of an article in a periodical:
Surname and initials of the first or given name (names or ‘otchestvo’) of the author, comma, title and subtitle of the text, comma, title and subtitle of a periodical, comma, editor in chief: initials of the first or given name (names or ‘otchestvo’) and surname, comma, volume, colon, year, comma, number, comma, current number of the periodical (in Arabic numerals), comma, opening parentheses, between parentheses the current number of a periodical (in Arabic numerals), closing parentheses, comma, pages (‘from – to’), period
Tytko M. M., Teatr dla dzieci i młodzieży w koncepcji Stefana Szumana, „Kultura i Edukacja. Kwartalnik. Culture and Education”, ed. by R. Borowicz, r.: 2011, nr 2 (81), p. 144-154.
- E) The description of an article in a periodical in electronic version from the internet:
Surname and initials of the first or given name (names or ‘otchestvo’) of the author, comma, title and subtitle of a text, comma, title and subtitle of a periodical, comma, editor in chief: initials of first or given name (names or ‘otchestvo’) and surname, comma, volume, colon, year, comma, number, comma, current number of the periodical (in Arabic numerals), comma, opening parentheses, between parentheses the number of the periodical (in Arabic numerals), closing parentheses, comma, pages (‘from – to’), full internet address, comma, square opening bracket, access, colon, date in format (day, month, year), square closing bracket, period
Tytko M. M., Elementy wychowania chrześcijańskiego w koncepcji ks. Franciszka Karola Blachnickiego, „Pedagogika Katolicka”, editor-in-chief Fr J. Zimny, r. 5: 2011, nr 1 (8), p. 65-77, [access: 31.07.2012].
25) Every paper (dissertation, article, communication, research report, review, response to a review or any other material) delivered to the editorial team should have footnotes; the author should write footnotes in the following manner:
- a) footnotes should be placed on the bottom of a page,
- b) footnotes should be numbered in Arabic numerals in ascending order (1, 2, 3… etc.),
- c) titles of books and articles or works should be written in italics,
- d) titles of periodicals are placed in quotation marks,
- e) do not write the name of the publishing house,
- f) only apply Latin names or their abbreviations, e.g.: ibidem (ib.), idem (id. – [refers to one author-male] or one work), eadem (ead. – [refers to one author-female]), eidem [refers to at least two authors-male]), eaedem ([refers to at least two female-authors]), opus citatum (op. cit.), et alii (et al. [refers to male-authors]), et aliae (et. al. [refers to female-authors]), [note: it’s safe to apply the abbreviation ‘et al.’, when at the same time both male- and female-authors appear in a description], sic! – confirmation, that a given piece of information is true, that it’s not our mistake; we apply it to indicate someone’s error in a quotation), vide (‘see’), passim (pass. – ‘here and there’), concerns texts in all languages (English, Czech, Polish, Russian, Slovakian). However, do not overuse the asterisk ’passim’ (generally pointing to many unidentified pages, and not allowing for their certain identification), but always refer to real pages with numbers (a page or pages),
- g) footnotes should be concise and moderate, without excessive textual commentaries,
- A) The description of a book in a footnote:
Initials of the first or given name and full surname of the author, comma, title, comma, place and year of issue, comma, p. [number of page or a set of pages (‘from-to’) with a hyphen], period
- Sawicki, Norwida walka z formą, Warszawa 1986, p. 19-20.
Ibidem, p. 172.
- B) The description of a collection in a footnote:
Title, comma, initials of the first or given name and full surname of the editor, (ed.), comma, place and year of issue, comma, p. [number of page or a set of pages (‘from-to’) with a hyphen], period
Jan Paweł II do artystów. Artyści do Jana Pawła II, B. Drożdż-Żytyńska et al. (ed.), Lublin 2006, p. 807.
- C) The description of a text (chapter, article) in an edited collection – in a footnote:
Initials of the first or given name and a surname of the author, comma, title, comma, [in:] title, comma, initials of the first or given name and full surname of the editor, (ed.), comma, place and year of issue, comma, p. [number of page or a set of pages (‘from-to’) with a hyphen], period
- Stróżewski, Twórczość i piękno, [w:] Jan Paweł II do artystów. Artyści do Jana Pawła II, B. Drożdż-Żytyńska et al. (ed.), Lublin 2006, p. 602-610.
- Stróżewski, Twórczość i piękno, [w:] Jan Paweł II do artystów. Artyści…, op. cit., p. 609.
- Stróżewski, Twórczość…, [w:] Jan Paweł II do artystów. Artyści…, op. cit., p. 609.
- D) The description of an article in a periodical – in a footnote:
Initials of the first or given name (initials of names or ‘otchestvo’) and surname of the author, comma, title and subtitle of the text, comma, title and subtitle of the periodical, comma, editor in chief, initials of the first or given name (initials of names or ‘otchestvo’) and surname, comma, volume, colon, year, comma, number, comma, current number of a periodical (in Arabic numeral), comma, opening parentheses, between parentheses the number of the periodical (kolejny) (in Arabic numeral), closing parentheses, comma, pages (‘from-to’), period
M.M. Tytko, Bogusława Żurakowskiego metody wychowania młodzieży przez literaturę, „Dydaktyka Literatury”, ed. by W. Pasterniak, r. 28: 2008, p. 193-205.
Idem, Kultura w ujęciu Franciszka Karola Blachnickiego, „Kultura i Edukacja. Kwartalnik”, ed. by R. Borowicz, r. 2009, nr 4 (73), p. 127-134.
- E) The description of an article in a periodical in electronic version on the Internet – in a footnote:
Initials of the first or given name (initials of names or ‘otchestvo’) and surname of the author, comma, title and subtitle of the text, comma, title and subtitle of the periodical, comma, editor in chief: initials of the first or given name (initials of names or ‘otchestvo’) and surname, comma, volume, colon, year, comma, number, comma, the current number of the periodical (in Arabic numeral), comma, open parentheses, between parentheses the number of the periodical (in Arabic numerals), closing parentheses, comma, pages (‘from-to’), full internet address, comma, square opening bracket, access, colon, date in the format (day, month, year), square closing bracket, period
Fr J. Zimny, Rola autorytetu w procesie wychowania młodego pokolenia, „Pedagogika Katolicka”, editor-in-chief Fr J. Zimny, r. 5: 2011, nr 1 (8), p. 21-30, [access: 31.07.2012].
- F) The description of an article from the internet – in a footnote:
Initials of the first or given name (initials of names or ‘otchestvo’), surname of the author [or full names in case of e.g. popes, saints], comma, title, comma, name of the website, full internet address, square opening bracket, date in the format: (day, month, year), square closing bracket, period.
Jan Paweł II, List do artystów, Opoka Laboratorium Wiary i Kultury, Czytelnia ii/listy/do_ artystow_04041999.html [access: 31.07.2012].
When writing an abstract (circa 1800-2700 characters) in Polish, English, Russian, Czech or Slovak please follow the criteria given below (points 1-8):
- What kind of article: original text, object article (e.g. a research review), a research contribution, a case study, a comparative analysis, a conceptual article, a theoretical paper, a methodological paper, a monograph, etc.
- The goal of an article: The article aims at presenting…
- The research method applied. The author of the article used/applied a [what kind ?] method…
- Main results
- The limits of the results. The results are limited to…
- Practical implications of the article. The results of the analysis can be applied (e.g. in pedagogy, applied psychology, sociology, etc. for the didactic reasons]… (or there are merely theoretical implications – grounds for further research)
- Social implications of the article (are these results socially applicable? What kind of application? In which society? For which group?)
- The novelty of the article (new insights introduced by the article with regards to the current literature).
XVI.) Authors of papers for the periodical “Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education” are kindly requested to follow the above technical and editorial instructions. Any questions and doubts should be sent by e-mail to: marek.mariusz.tytko[at] or marek.mariusz.tytko[at]
[at] = @
Marek Mariusz Tytko
(Translated by Sr Adelajda Sielepin CHR, Mark Simon Bonnet and Muir Alan Evenden)