Structure of the periodical

“Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education” is divided into two parts. Each volume contains two parts: 1) Dissertations, Articles, Communications and Research Reports 2) Reviews, Materials and Bibliographies. Part One constitutes a forum for interdisciplinary scholarly-cognitive discussion in several branches of humanistic science (dissertations and articles of theology, philosophy, philology, pedagogy, psychology, historiography, culture) concerning Christian religious and sacred poetry and the results of deep specialized studies on these subjects. This part presents the results of valuable contemporary research (mainly articles, communications and research reports), as well as the systematization of knowledge of a given area (mainly articles and dissertations). Part Two contains reviews (analyses, also critiques) of scholarly books or new works, including authors’ responses to these reviews (the author of a reviewed scholarly book receives the anonymous text of a review with the opportunity of responding to the evaluation given in the review, but the author is not obliged to reply. It is only his right). It presents the opportunity for real discussion upon current scholarly inquiries within a particular branch and the current scholarly work that precisely illustrates a certain topic as it relates to religious and sacred poetry (or one of its authors). In addition, the second part will include published sources, bibliographical lists of current or past scholarly literature of certain branches, or other materials (e.g. methodological, methodological discussions, formal corrections, etc.), which refer to topics typical for our periodical. Our principle is a disinterested service of thought and a real service to science. Therefore, the structure of the periodical formally resembles the area of our scholarly endeavors in respect to the studies of religious and sacred poetry, as well its authors and recipients.

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, we try to follow five elementary structural principles.

Firstly, we accept the rule that in each volume (copy) of the periodical — scholarly articles (texts over 20000 characters and less than 40000 characters) written in English — always comprise more than 50% of all published articles, i.e., more than half of all the articles of a given volume in total.

Secondly, we also accept the rule that articles from foreign authors (authors from outside Poland, i.e., authors affiliated with universities or institutes abroad and outside of Poland at the moment of delivering their text to the editorial board) in each volume (copy) of the periodical always comprise more than 50% of all published texts ­— i.e., more than half of all the articles of a given volume in total.

Thirdly, we accept the rule that articles from authors outside of the editorial team of our periodical and the authors outside of the international scholarly board of our periodical, always comprise more than 50% of all published articles — i.e., more than half of all the articles in a given volume in total.

Fourthly, we accept the principle concerning a structure of the periodical, that all scholarly texts (i.e. dissertations/articles/communications/research reports) in each volume (copy) of the periodical always comprise more than 50% of all published texts — i.e., more than half of all the texts in a given volume in total.

Fifthly, in one volume (copy) there must be no less than six scholarly articles written by various authors, and among them at least three articles in English, since the main language of the periodical is English. In addition, we publish articles in Polish, Czech, Slovakian and Russian due to the partially Slavonic profile of the periodical. We intend to publish more than the given minimum of texts satisfying the scholarly criteria, but it will depend on the number and quality of papers sent to us by the authors. Nevertheless, we would like to keep to the highest standards. Observing the structural principles of the periodical is necessary to achieve the highest ministerial evaluation. According to these rules, some texts will be transferred to subsequent (future) volumes. We shall be grateful for authors to have an understanding of these rules.

Marek Mariusz Tytko

(Translated by Sr Adelajda Sielepin CHR, Mark Simon Bonnet and Muir Alan Evenden)