Contact with the Editor

The Foundation of Catholics ‘Eschaton’


The Editor’s address:

Fundacja Naukowa Katolików “Eschaton”

The Office:

  1. Włoska 17/27, 30-638 Kraków, Poland

phone: (+48) 511 350 665,

e-mail: marek.mariusz.tytko[at]



[at] = @

The website:

To make contact easier, e-mail communication is preferable. We try to answer e-mails and letters as quickly as possible. We go through each post systematically. In case you don’t get a reply, please send your message again with the copy of your letter to the other address shown above, with a remark that this is your second letter concerning the same matter.


You are welcome to contact us, and we invite you to publish in the “Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education”!


Marek Mariusz Tytko


(Translated by Sr Adelajda Sielepin CHR, Mark Simon Bonnet and Muir Alan Evenden)